Learn what ChatGPT (and similar tools) are good for and learn how to effectively work with them (prompting).
Books in the Aultman Health Sciences Library on AI in Instruction:
A.C.E. (Accelerate, Crush, Evaluate) Instructional Leadership LB 1028.43 A173 2023
A.C.E. (Accelerate, Crush, Evaluate) Your Teacher Evaluations Unlocking Success with over 250 ChatGPT prompts LB 1028.43 A183 2023
AI for Educators Learning Strategies, Teacher Efficiencies, and a vison for an AI future LB 1028.43 M55 2023
ChatGPT in the Classroom: Innovative Strategies for Teachers to Enhance Learning and Curriculum with Hundreds of prompts
LB1028.43 J65c 2024
Remember, you'll always need to verify the information, because ChatGPT will sometimes make things ups (known as "hallucination.")
What is it good for?
What is it not so good for?
Note: You may want to try one of these sites that summarize web search results with generative AI. (But don't use ChatGPT, since it's not connected to web search).
Asking for any information that would have dire consequences if it was incorrect (such as health, financial, legal advice, and so on). This is because of its tendency to sometimes make up answers, but still sound very confident.
What is prompting?
Simply, it's what you type into the chat box.
Always verify the information it gives you.
Think of ChatGPT as your personal intern. They need very specific instructions, and they need you to verify the information.
ChatGPT sometimes makes things up. That's because it's designed to write in a way that sounds like human writing. It's not designed to know facts.
Tips for writing effective prompts
I didn't like any of those topics. Please give me 10 more.
More tips
If you want to learn more about prompting, try this free course: Learn Prompting
Aultman Health Sciences Library
Aultman Education Center, C2-230, 2600 Sixth St SW, Canton, OH 44710 | 330-363-5000 | library@aultmancollege.edu