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NRS 100 - Nursing Success

Helpful resources for NRS 100 students just starting their college career.

Books in the Collection

Search for books located at Aultman Health Sciences Library by accessing the online catalogs. You will find both print and electronic books on the catalog including the following recommended titles.

Reserve Collection

Copies of all College textbooks are located in the Library Reserve Collection.  Textbooks can only be used in the Library during staffed hours.  Ask for a Reserve Book at the Circulation Desk.

eBook Center

Through OhioLINK, students have access to the Electronic Book Center.  Search this site to obtain full text access to thousands of encyclopedias, handbooks, reference books and scholarly sources.

If accessing the site from off campus, you will be asked to authenticate.

  1. Select NEOMED as your institution
  2. Provide your name and library ID number (entire number or AU followed by last 5 digits)
  3. Select NEOMED as your Pickup Institution and Aultman as your Pickup Location.
  4. Hit submit.


Aultman Health Sciences Library


Aultman Education Center, C2-230, 2600 Sixth St SW, Canton, OH 44710  |  330-363-5000   |