Plagiarism could include:
Common forms that emerge in written assignments:
What is a direct quotation?
A direct quotation is taking a statement from a source word-for-word. This could be part of sentence, and entire sentence, or several sentences.
Short phrases or single words could be used if an author uses them in a specific context. For example, an author has published their original research on a topic that hasn't been explored very closely. They coin a new phrase to describe their findings. This would be quoted if used in a written assignment.
Quotes are always cited in-text. They can only be used to supplement your assignment and your own ideas. Don't overuse them.
When can I use them?
How do I use them in my written assignment?
What is a paraphrase?
A paraphrase is when a source's ideas are put into your own words.
What is a summary?
A summary takes a large amount of information (like a book chapter) from a source and condenses it to its main points.
What makes an acceptable paraphrase?
How can I paraphrase or summarize in my written assignment?
What is self-plagiarism?
Self-plagiarism occurs when students submit old work/information as though it were new, without any major changes to the content. It could be an entire paper, or just a passage. In the Aultman College Catalog, this is referred to as "multiple submissions."
The entire idea of self-plagiarism may seem strange. You might wonder, "if plagiarism is theft, how can I even steal from myself?" Instead, it's helpful to think of self-plagiarism in terms of deceiving your audience.
An example
For example, this semester you are assigned to write a paper on how a specific population seeks health care and treatment. Last semester, you had a very similar assignment, so you decide to submit the paper again. You change the title and running head, and throw in another citation on the reference page. You don't change anything else or ask your professor if this is acceptable.
In submitting this assignment, you are actively deceiving your professor into thinking that you did original work for the assignment. You are also deceiving them into thinking that you actually understood concepts from the course and applied your knowledge from the course to the assignment.
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