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Basic Library Tutorials

Information on basic library use, like accessing catalogs and databases, and obtaining full-text articles.

About the Discovery Tool

What is the Discovery Tool?

  • The Discovery Tool is like an all-in-one database. It searches the NEOLINK and OhioLINK catalogs, resesarch databases, ejournals, and multimedia resources.

Why should I use the Discovery Tool?

  • When you're starting the initial steps of the research process and are exploring resources.
  • When you don't need a subject-specific database (like a nursing database).
  • If you have a citation, DOI, or title of a specific work you want to find, use the Discovery Tool for quick retrieval.

How do I use the Discovery Tool?

  • Getting started:
    • The Discovery tool is located onthe library’s homepage and in the A-Z database list. It works the same way as any EBSCOhost-provided database.
    • You can enter search terms directly into the search bar, or you can click on "Advanced Search" to see all search functions.
    • Note: You may be asked to authenticate (or log in) to this resource.
  • After you run a search:
    • You can scroll through the list of search results located in the middle of the page.
    • You have the option to limit your search using the limiters on the left-hand side of the page. Limiters include things like the publication date, the language, the type of source, the publisher, and more.

Video Demonstration

Please note that this is a generic tutorial from the vendor, EBSCO.

Video courtesy EBSCO Industries:

Discovery Tool Features

See the video tutorials below for information on additional features of the Discovery Tool.

Video courtesy EBSCO Industries:

Video courtesy EBSCO Industries:


Aultman Health Sciences Library


Aultman Education Center, C2-230, 2600 Sixth St SW, Canton, OH 44710  |  330-363-5000   |