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Basic Library Tutorials

Information on basic library use, like accessing catalogs and databases, and obtaining full-text articles.

General Library Use

General Library Use

What library services and resources do I have access to as a patron of the Aultman Health Sciences Library?

  • Access to millions of print and electronic items located in the library's own collections and through partnerships with Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and OhioLINK, including books, research databases, ejournals, ebooks, and multimedia resources.
  • Research assistance via the reference desk, online guides, one-on-one consultations, and library instruction.
  • Interlibrary loan, which allows you to request materials from different libraries.
  • Space: desktop computers with internet access, printing & copying, 2 private study rooms with whiteboards, a variety of a furniture for different study preferences.

When can I come to the Library?

  • Patrons can access the Library 24/7 by scanning their Aultman badge at the door.
  • Library staff are available Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm.
  • Please see the "Hours & Staff" section on the homepage for current in-person and remote staffed hours.

What are LibGuides?

  • LibGuides is the system that the Library uses to host its website and web content. LibGuides can also refer to the individual guides that are listed at the link below. You may see this term while browsing the Library's website.


  • NEOMED refers to the Northeast Ohio Medical University, which the Library is partnered with to share resources and access to materials.
  • NEOLINK is the Library’s catalog, shared with NEOMED and other partnered hospital libraries.

What is OhioLINK?

  • OhioLINK is a statewide consortium of university libraries that the Library belongs to. OhioLINK may also refer to the library catalog belonging to OhioLINK, which contains the collections of all the libraries that belong to the consortium.

How do I access my library account?

  • Your library account can be accessed through the NEOLINK catalog. Select “My Library Account/Renew Materials” from the menu at the top of the page.
  • Login using your name and your library ID.
    • Aultman College students should use their student ID number.
    • Aultman College faculty and staff should use their employee number preceded by "AU."
    • Medical staff should use their physician number preceded by "AU."
    • Residents should use their employee number preceded by "AU."
      • Internal medicine residents should use their Cerner number preceded by "AU."
    • All other patrons should use their assigned 14-digit barcode number (e.g. 20000000001111) or a shortened version that includes “AU” and the last 5 digits of the number (e.g. AU01111).
    • This log in screen is not case sensitive, so typing “smith” instead of “Smith” will work.
  • See the "Your Library Account" tab in this guide for more information.

How do I access library resources off-campus?

  • The Library uses a proxy server to provide you with off-campus access. Getting access is as easy as entering your name and ID number when prompted to log in (the same information used to access your library account).
  • When logging in to OhioLINK resources, select "Northeast Ohio Medical University" or "NEOMED" as your institution, and "Canton Aultman Hospital" as your branch.
  • See the "Off-Campus Access" tab in this guide for a video tutorial.

I found an article I want, but the full text is unavailable. How do I get it?

  • Instructions for finding the full text of articles can be found in this guide under the "Obtaining Full Text Articles" tab.
  • When all else fails, reach out and library staff will assist you.

Will the library provide course textbooks to Aultman College students?

  • No, the library does not provide course textbooks to students. The library does have a textbook reserve collection, which includes one copy of each required textbook at Aultman College. These books are available only for use in the library for a 3 hour check-out period. The textbook reserve collection is a great resource for students who may be having temporary issues acquiring their textbooks.



How do I get assistance with research?

  • Contact the library directly.
  • For online tutorials, visit the Research Tutorials guide linked below.

What is the Discovery Tool?

  • The Discovery Tool is your all-in-one resource that searches NEOLINK and OhioLINK catalogs, databases, ejournals, and multimedia resources. It’s a great place to start when you begin the initial searching steps of the research process.
  • See the "Discovery Tool" tab in this guide for more information.

How can I request a literature search from the librarian?

  • Submit a Literature Search Request form linked below.
  • Requests may be submitted by Aultman Health Foundation and Aultman College personnel.
  • Aultman College students may not submit literature search requests, but may schedule a research consultation or reach out directly.

How do I find nursing databases and journals?

  • Visit the Nursing Research guide linked below for guidance on accessing nursing journals and databases, developing PICO questions, using Medical Subject Headings, and more!
  • Visit the Evidence-Based Practice guide for information on using evidence in practice.
  • To view available databases, visit the link below.

Where can I get help with APA Style?

  • See the APA Style Guide for guidance on language, writing style, avoiding bias, formatting, and references.
  • The library keeps two copies of the APA Publication Manual (7th ed.) on reserve.
  • You can also contact the Student Success Center for assistance with APA Style and writing tutoring.


Aultman College Health Sciences Library


Aultman Education Center, C2-230, 2600 Sixth St SW, Canton, OH 44710  |  330-363-5000   |